Do You Know Who is a Wordsmith?
Wordsmith means a skilled user of words. Become a Wordsmith with Day Today GK. Learn TEN new words everyday!!!
1. What is the meaning of Blithe?
Blithe means happy.
2. What is the meaning of Betoken?
Betoken means be a warning of.
3. What is the meaning of Coruscate?
Coruscate means flash or sparkle.
4. What is the meaning of Dolour?
Dolour means great sorrow.
5. What is the meaning of Fervid?
Fervid means hot or glowing.
6. What is the meaning of Impuissant?
Impuissant means powerless.
7. What is the meaning of Lambent?
Lambent means softly glowing or flickering.
8. What is the meaning of Quidnunc?
Quidnunc means an inquisitive and gossipy person.
9. What is the meaning of Atrabilious?
Atrabilious means melancholy or bad-tempered.
10. What is the meaning of Appetency?
Appetency means a longing or desire.