WHO officially declares Sierra Leone Ebola-free

Sierra Leone has been declared free of Ebola by the World Health Organisation. The disease in the nation took almost 4000 lives. The WHO’s country director, Anders Nordström, confirmed that 42 days had passed without any new cases, thereby satisfying criteria that the virus was no longer being transmitted.

Sierra Leone’s president, Ernest Bai Koroma, has ended the state of emergency declared during the outbreak, but the country will now enter a 90-day period of heightened surveillance to make sure the virus does not return.

The atmosphere in the country was beautiful, filled with happiness. The country’s first confirmed Ebola survivor, Victoria Yillia, told the crowd she was “happy that this disease which almost killed me has finally ended”.

About Ebola:

It is a viral hemorrhagic feverof humans and other primates caused by ebolaviruses.


  • fever
  • sore throat
  • muscular pain
  •   headaches.
  •  vomiting,
  • diarrhea
  •  rash
  • decreased function of the liver and kidneys.


This is often due to low blood pressure from fluid loss, and typically follows six to sixteen days after symptoms appear.

About Sierra Leone

  • It is the country in the West Africa.
  • Capital: freetown
  • Language : English
  • President: Ernest Bai Koroma

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