Union Government bans NSCN-K for 5 years

The Modi government on 16th September 2015  banned Naga rebel group National Socialist Council (NSCN-K) of Nagaland (Khaplang) for five years.The government signed a peace accord with Naga insurgent group Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland (Isak-Muivah) – NSCN (IM) on 3rd August 2015. The NSCN-IM has been demanding declaring NSCN-K a banned group.

NSCN (K)  has been declared as an unlawful organisation and the decision was taken in a cabinet meeting in New Delhi. The organisation has been banned under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. The ban on NSCN-K is being decided because of the recent activities of the group in Manipur which led to the killing of 18 soldiers.

About National Socialist Council of Nagaland

  • It is a Naga nationalist Military.
  • the NSCN split into two factions;
    •  the NSCN-K led by S S Khaplang, and
    • the NSCN-IM, led by Isak Chishi Swu and Thuingaleng Muivah
  •  Aim: is to establish a sovereign state, “Nagalim”.
  • Formed: 31st January 1980.
  • It was created by  Isak Chishi Swu, Thuingaleng Muivah and S.S. Khaplang opposing the Shillong Accord.

Some G.K. Related Question:

  • Who is the Chairman of NSCN-K?

–   S.S. Khaplang

  • What is the Capital of Nagaland

– Kohima, Guwahati (Judiciary)

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