Union Cabinet approves signing of BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement

The Union Cabinet of India has approved the signing of the Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicle Agreement. The main objective of the The BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement is to regulate passenger, personal and cargo vehicular traffic amongst BBIN. The agreement will be signed on June 15 at the BBIN Transport Ministers meeting in Thimpu, Bhutan.

Points to Note
  • The BBIN Motor Vehicle agreement will facilitate safe, economical efficient and environmentally sound road transport in the sub-region.
  • The Agreement will further help each country in creating an institutional mechanism for regional integration.
  • The BBIN countries will be benefited by mutual cross border movement of passenger and goods for overall economic development of the region.
  • The BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement is similar to the SAARC Motor Vehicle Agreement (MVA) draft with minor changes.


  1. Capital: Dhaka
  2. Currency: Bangladeshi taka
  3. Prime minister: Sheikh Hasina
  4. President: Abdul Hamid


  1. Capital: Thimphu
  2. King: Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
  3. Prime minister: Tshering Tobgay
  4. Currencies: Bhutanese ngultrum, Indian rupee
  5. Official language: Dzongkha
    Bhutan is the world’s only carbon sink country. It absorbs more CO2 than it gives out. It is the only country whose largest export is renewable energy


  1. Capital: Kathmandu
  2. Currency: Nepalese rupee
  3. Prime minister: Sushil Koirala
  4. President: Ram Baran Yadav

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