Union Cabinet approves PSLV continuation programme

The Cabinet has granted the permission to continue Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) programme for fifteen operational flights (PSLV-C36 to PSLV-C50). The total fund requirement for the cost of 15 PSLVs, programme elements, programme management and ‘launch campaign’ are estimated to be Rs 3090 crore. PSLV continuation programme has enabled the launch of satellites required for Earth Observation, Navigation and Space Sciences along with the possibility of clinching commercial launch service contracts. All the 15 operational flights would be completed during the period 2017-2020.

Currently, PSLV operational flights, which were sanctioned in 2008, are being utilized to meet the satellite launch requirements. The PSLV has made India self-reliant in the launching capability of satellites for earth observation, disaster management, navigation and space sciences.

Till now, PSLV has completed three developmental and 25 operational flights and the last 27 flights have been successful.

GK Questions
  • What is the name of India’s first satellite and when was it launched? Aryabhatta, April 1975.
  • What is the full form of IRNSS? Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System 
  • Name the advanced multi-band communication satellite dedicated for military use? GSAT 7

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