Thousands of dead fish washed ashore Ulsoor lake

Thousands of dead fish have washed up on the banks of a polluted lake in India’s southern technology hub of Bangalore. It is suspected that sewage from many parts of the city has been flowing into the lake, depleting oxygen levels in the water. Residents living in and around the lake were in for a shock as they found the fish heaped around, raising unbearable stink in the water body.

Ulsoor Lake

Image source : NDTV

A tourism spot, Ulsoor lake had been choked with water hyacinth in recent years, with government launching clean-up efforts. The incident comes even as there is a growing concern by environmentalists over polluted lakes, exemplified by the thick froth and flames from the Yamlur lake that caused ripples in the city last year.

Did You Know?

  • Around 70% of the industrial waste is dumped into the water bodies where they pollute the usable water supply.
  • The nuclear crisis that occurred in Japan after 2011 Tsunami prompted Japanese government dumped 11 million liters (2 million gallons) of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.
  • The Ganges river in India is one the most polluted in the world. It contain sewage, trash, food, and animal remains.
  • According to UNICEF, more than 3000 children die everyday globally due to consumption of contaminated drinking water.
  • According to WHO and UNICEF, approximately 894 million people globally don’t have access to improved water sources.
  • Leather and chemical industries cause are major contributors of water pollution and are emerging leading market economies.

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