Reasoning Quiz for SBI PO | IBPS – 156

1-5) Study the following information to answer the given questions:-

A&B means A is neither greater than nor equal to B
A%B means A is neither smaller than nor greater than B
A*B means A is not greater B
A$B means A is greater than B
A@B means A is either greater than or equal to B

1) H*K, K &N, N$M
a) Only I is true
b) Only II is true
c) Either I or II true
d) Neither I nor II is true
e) Both I and II are true

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Answer a) Only I is true

2) H@K, K%L, L&N
a) Only I is true
b) Only II is true
c) Either I or II true
d) Neither I nor II is true
e) Both I and II are true

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Answer d) Neither I nor II is true

3) R$T, T@P, P@Q
a) Only I is true
b) Only II is true
c) Either I or II true
d) Neither I nor II is true
e) Both I and II are true

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Answer c) Either I or II true

4) B&A, A*H, G@H
a) Only I is true
b) Only II is true
c) Either I or II true
d) Neither I nor II is true
e) Both I and II are true

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Answer e) Both I and II are true

5) B%A, A@C, C*D
I. D@B
a) Only I is true
b) Only II is true
c) Either I or II true
d) Neither I nor II is true
e) Both I and II are true

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Answer b) Only II is true

6-10) Read the following information carefully and answer the following questions:-

A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table with equal distance between them, facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. A sits second to the right of G. Only 2 persons sitting between A and H.C sit second to the left of H. Only 3 persons sit between H and F.B sits on the immediate left of D.

6) Who among the following sits second to the right of F?
a) B
b) C
c) D
d) G
e) None of these

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Answer b) C

7) If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order in clockwise direction, starting from A ,the positions of how many, excluding A would remain unchanged ?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
e) None of these

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Answer a) One

8) Which of the following statement is true with respect to E?
a) E is an immediate neighbour of B
b) Only one person sitting between E and F
c) Only 3 persons sitting between E and G
d) A sits third to the right of E
e) All the given statements are true

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Answer c) Only 3 persons sitting between E and G

9) Who among the following represent the immediate neighbour of G?
a) E,D
b) H,C
c) H,D
d) D,F
e) None of these

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Answer d) D,F

10) Four of the following are alike as per the given arrangement and thus form a group, which of the following does not belong to that group ?
a) HA
b) GH
c) CG
d) BC
e) FD

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Answer e) FD Solution: CIRCLE