Reasoning Quiz for IBPS| RRB – 368

Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below.
A man is going to his office from Monday to Sunday (Starting from Monday and ending on Sunday) in different time slot. Time slots are 7:30am, 8:30am, 8:45am, 9:30am, 10:30am, 10:45am and 11:30am. And Time slot must be in the different order. Time slot are not consecutive in consecutive days. Man is going to 9:30am on Saturday. There is 15min gap between the Wednesday and Sunday time slot. There is one hour gap between the time slot of Saturday and Wednesday. There are two days gap between 7:30am and 11:30am time slot but both of the time slot are not happened on Friday.

1) How much time difference are there between Monday and Thursday time slot?
A)1 hour
C)3 hour
D)4 hour

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Answer D)4 hour

2)What is the time slot of Tuesday?
A)7:30 am
B)8:45 am
C)9:30 am
D)8:30 am

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Answer B)8:45 am

3) If the time slots are arranged in ascending order from Monday to Sunday then how many time slots will remain unchanged?

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Answer A)One

4)What is the time slot just before 10:30am according to the arrangement?
A)8:30 am
B)10:00 am
C)11:30 am
D)None of these

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Answer D)None of these

5)If the person is getting 25 min late on Thursday then what time he reach to the office?
A)7:55 am
B)11:55 am
C)11:10 am
D)Cannot be determined

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Answer B)11:55 am

In these questions, relationships between different elements are shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions.
6) Statement:
A)If only conclusion I follows
B)If only conclusion II follows
C)If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
D)If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows

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Answer A)If only conclusion I follows

A>B>F>C; D>E>C
A)If only conclusion I follows
B)If only conclusion II follows
C)If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
D)If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows

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