Reasoning Quiz for IBPS| IPPB – 242

1)Statements ) No cat is rat. All rats are dog. Some dog are lion.
Conclusions1) No cat is lion 2) No dog is a rat. 3) Some dog is rat is a possibility. 4) At least some lions are cat.
a) Either 1 or 2 and 3 follows
b) Either 1 or 4 follow
c) Either 1 or 4 and 3 follow
d) all follows

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Answer – b) Either 1 or 4 follow

2)Statements:All trees are river. All mountains are trees. All branches are mountains.
Conclusions: 1) Some trees are branches 2) Some river are not mountain 3) All trees are mountain.
a) Only 1 follow
b) Both 1 and 2 follow
c) only 3 follow
d) Both 1 and 3 follow

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Answer –a) Only 1 follow

3)Statements: All tables are chair. Some plates are table. All glasses are plates.
Conclusions: 1) All glasses are chairs. 2) Some glasses are table 3) All plates are chairs.
a) Both 1 and 2 follow
b) Both 1 and 3 follow
c) None follow
d) all follows

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Answer – c) None follow

4)Statements: Some black are white. All blue are green. All white are blue.
Conclusions: 1) Some black are blue 2) All blue are white 3) All green are black 4) All blue are black.
a) Only 2 follow
b) Only 3 follow
c) Either 2 or 3 and 1 and 4 follow
d) None of these

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Answer –d) None of these

5)Statement: – No P is Q. All Q are S. Some R are S.
Conclusions: 1) All R being P is a possibility. 2) All S being R is a possibility.
1) Both follow
2) Only 1 follow
3) only 2 follow
4) none of these

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Answer –1) Both follow

Seven actors A, B, C, D, E, F and G act in different types of drama like Action, Thriller, Romantic, Suspense, Comedy, Horror and Inspirational, but not necessarily in the same order. All the seven actors are engaged on three different days of the week i.e. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. A is engaged on Sunday only with E and his drama is Thriller. D is acting in Horror drama and does not act on Tuesday. The one who is acting in Comedy acts on Monday. B and C do not act on the same day. Those who act on Sunday do not perform Romantic drama. F acts in Suspense drama but does not act on Monday. G acts on the same day as F. C acts in Action drama.

6)Who acts in Comedy?
a) A
b) B
c) E
d) F
e) none of these

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Answer b) B

7)Which of the following groups of actors performs on Tuesday?
a) ABG
b) CFE
c) CDE
d) CFG
e) EFG

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Answer d) CFG

8)B and D act on which of the following days of the week?
a) Sunday
b) Monday
c) Tuesday
d) Monday and Tuesday
e) none of these

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Answer b) Monday

9)E acts in which type of drama?
a) Thriller
b) Action
c) Comedy
d) Horror
e) none of these

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Answer e) none of these

10)Which of the following combinations of actor-day-drama is definitely correct?
a) F – Monday – Romantic
b) G – Tuesday – Romantic
c) D – Sunday – Action
d) E – Tuesday – Inspirational
e) None of these

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Answer b) G – Tuesday – Romantic

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