Read Editorial with D2G – Ep (204)

Investigating the Scorpene leak

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MEANINGS are given in BOLD and ITALIC

How much our security has been compromised by the leak of thousands of pages of confidential documents related to the Scorpene (the scorpianfish) submarines, under production in Mazagon Dock Ltd., must be seriously investigated. This must be done in a manner that is free from bureaucratic (government by bureaus or their administrators or officers)  compromise or turf (a layer of earth covered with grass) -protective tactics (a movement, often one performed with difficulty) . The leak came to light when The Australian newspaper claimed it had accessed 22,400 pages of documents detailing technical specifications of the 1,500-tonne conventional diesel-electric submarine.

The documents contain details of combat (a battle ; a fight) and stealth  (the attribute or characteristic of acting in secrecy) capabilities, such as the frequencies at which they would gather intelligence and their noise levels at various speeds. Information on diving depths, range and endurance are also in the documents, suspected to have been taken out of DCNS, the French company that designed the submarines. According to The Australian, the documents contain magnetic, electromagnetic and infrared data as also specifications of the submarine’s torpedo  (a explosive projectile that can travel underwater and is used as a weapon) launch system and combat system. Till the investigation is complete, it would be foolhardy to hazard the magnitude of the setback. But it may calm anxieties (an uneasy)  if there is a joint parliamentary probe, informed by a bipartisan (relating to, or supported by two political parties) spirit, to supplement an expert inquiry.

The leaked data pertain to the six Scorpene submarines that India bought from the French under a deal signed in 2005. Worth more than $3.75 billion at the time, it was India’s biggest military purchase, to provide a powerful, secretive underwater capability. The Scorpenes are to be the mainstay (a chief support) of India’s conventional sub-surface fleet in the next couple of decades. A submarine, by nature, is the most silent and potent weapon platform that a military has, the foremost being the SSBN, or a submarine that can launch ballistic (very angry) nuclear missiles. It is in such SSBNs that countries place their second-strike capability — to fire a nuclear missile when under nuclear attack.

In a battlefield with intrusive surveillance capabilities, conventional submarines can stay underwater for weeks, sneak (a cheat ; an informer) close to the enemy shoreline, keep a quiet watch on ship movement, and carry out surprise attacks. Besides visual sighting, there are challenging and complex ways to look for a submarine, and to identify it as friend or foe. Most of these characteristics of Scorpene submarines seem to be part of the leaked documents. On the face of it, this would be documentation worth years of difficult and complex intelligence-gathering for adversaries. The initial response of the Ministry of Defence and the naval headquarters has been far too defensive. They must expedite (to perform fast and efficiently) the inquiry to also determine the source of the leak, and whether there has been a breach (a gap or opening made by violence ; a break)  at the original equipment manufacturer’s end — and if so, fix liability.