Ranjit Singh Baxi elected as Head of Bureau of International Recycling

Ranjit Singh Baxi, Chairman of J & H Sales (International) ltd, has been elected as the head of the Bureau of International Recycling (BIR). He will serve a two-year term as president of the Brussels-based recycling association. BIR is a global organisation that facilitates free and fair trade of recyclables in a sustainable and competitive world economy. The election was held at the association’s World Convention & Exhibition in Dubai. Baxi has succeeded Bjorn Grufman, a Swedish Nationality.

Bureau of International Recycling
  • BIR is a global recycling industry association representing more than 700 companies.
  • It was formed in 1948. It is the oldest international association in the recycling sector.
  • The organisation serves as a platform to promote business relations and recycling among industry and to liaise with policy makers.

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