Rajya Sabha passes Mental Health Care Bill

The Rajya Sabha passed Mental Health Care Bill seeking to provide better healthcare for people suffering from mental illness as members across the political spectrum sought urgent steps to address the lack of infrastructure and shortage of psychiatrists in the country. Across the world there is a need for better mental health care services, whether that be through therapy or medications that are specifically applied to certain mental illness/health issues, e.g. medical marijuana for ocd, mindfulness for anxiety, and so on. People need to know that there is support out here and their government is taking them seriously and being proactive.

This is a historic and progressive Bill. It has been a long standing effort. It is patient-centric and focuses on how more facilities and support could be provided to the patients,” JP Nadda said.

key points of this BILL:

  • The Mental Health Care Bill 2013, which provides for protection and promotion of rights of persons with mental illness during the delivery of health care in institutions and in the community, was passed unanimously by a voice vote. There were 134 official amendments to the bill, which took almost an hour to be passed clause by clause.
  • Various stakeholders including academia, experts and political establishment were consulted while formulating the Bill, Nadda said, adding “the Bill focuses on community based treatment. Special provisions for women and health have also been provided for in the Bill.”
  • Among the various objectives, the bill provides for ensuring healthcare, treatment and rehabilitation of persons with mental illness “in a manner that does not intrude on their rights and dignity.”
  • It also allows adults to make an advance directive on how they wish to be treated in case they suffer from mental illness in future. A person can also chose a nominative representative who would take care of him or her.
  • In case of person who attempts to commit suicide shall be presumed to be suffering from mental illness at the time of attempting suicide unless proved otherwise. Such person shall not be liable to punishment under section 309 (attempt to commit suicide) of Indian Penal Code (IPC).

  • Earlier, Congress member T Subbirami Reddy raised a point of order saying the bill had as many as 134 amendments and sought to know if a new bill could be drafted.

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