Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for RBI | IBPS – Set 160

1)X, Y and Z together invested an amount of 42000 in the ratio of 4 : 3 : 7 for different periods of time. What was the amount of profit earned by them individually at the end of one year?
A. They invested for periods in the ratios of 1 : 2 : 1.
B. Z’s profit is 5500 less than Y’s investment.
C. Total amount of profit at the end of one year is 8800.
1) Only A and B together
2) Only A and C together
3) A and either B or C
4) All statements are required
5) Question can’t be answered even after using all the information

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Answer 3) A and either B or C

2)What will be the cost of fencing a rectangular plot?

A. Cost of fencing a circular plot whose area is 616 cm2 is 968.
B. Perimeter of the rectangular plot is 200 m.
C. Perimeter of the square whose length is equal to the breadth of the rectangular plot is 20 m.
1) Only C
2) A and C together
3) A and B together
4) A and either B or C
5) Question can’t be answered even after using all the informations

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Answer 3) A and either B or C

3)What is the rate of interest at which Binod has invested money?
A. The compound interest at this rate of 2500 in 2 yrs is equal to the simple interest in 3 yrs of 1716 2/3 at the same rate.
B. The total simple interest on an investment of 12000 for 3 yrs and 10000 for 5 yrs at this rate is 5160.
C. In 3 yrs 1500 at the same rate becomes 1725 by simple interest.
1) Any of them
2) A and either B or C
3) Only C
4) Only A and either B or C
5) Any two of them
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Answer 1) Any of them

4)The difference between the simple interest and the compound interest on a sum of money at the end of four years is 641. Find the sum.
A. Amount of simple interest accrued after four years is 4000.
B. Rate of interest is 10% per annum.

1) Any of them
2) both A and B
3) A alone
4) B alone
5) Question can’t be answered even after using all the information

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Answer 4) B alone

5) What are two numbers?
A. The larger number is 36 more than half the difference of the two numbers.
B. The two numbers are in the ratio 5 : 3

1) Any of them
2) both A and B
3) A alone
4) B alone
5) Question can’t be answered even after using all the information

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Answer 2) Both A and B

6)A person was appointed as a teacher and received a salary of 2500 per month in his first year of teaching with the expectation of being paid 2550 per month in his second year, 2600 per month in the third year, and so on. Find the total salary he expects to have received by the end of 3 years?
1) 98100
2) 91800
3) 92800
4) 92600
5) None of these

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Answer 2) `91800

Explanation: 2500 x 12 + 2550 x 12 + 2600 x 12 = 91800

7)A boat goes from point A to point B upstream and returns from B to A downstream. If the round trip takes the boat 12 hours and the distance between both the point is 40km, what is the speed of the stream if the speed of boat in still water is 12 km/h?
1) 4 km/h
2) 6 km/h
3) 8 km/h
4) 7 1/2 km/h
5) None of these

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Answer 3) 8 km/h
Explanation: (40/ 12+x ) + (40/12-x)=12
960/(144-x²) = 12
x = 8 km/h

8)An article costing 425 is marked to be sold at a price which gives a profit of 20%. What will be its selling price in a sale when 15% is taken off the marked price?
1) 442 2) 430 3) 438 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these

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Answer 5) None of these
cp=425 and profit 20% meanz=85rs so totally 425+85=510. if the discount is 15% meanz the sp=510/100 *(100-15)=434 approx

9)How much pure alcohol can be added to 700 ml of an 18% solution to make its strength 30%?
1) 60 ml
2)100 ml
3) 140 ml
4) 120 ml
5) None of these

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Answer 4) 120 ml

10)A hemispherical bowl of internal diameter 54 cm contains a liquid. The liquid is to be filled in cylindrical bottles of radius 3 cm and height 6 cm. How many bottles are required to empty the bowl?
1) 221
2) 343
3) 81
4) 243
5) None of these

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Answer 4) 243
volume of hemisphere = 2/3 π r³
volume of cylinder =π r² h
bottles required= (2/3 * π * 27*27*27 ) / (π*3*3*6) = 243