Study the following graph carefully & answer accordingly:
The following graph shows the percentage of number of students in three different disciplines in a
certain college for the years 2002-2007
The following graph shows the percentage of number of students in three different disciplines in a
certain college for the years 2002-2007
1) The total no. of science student in 2004 was 900 and that of commerce students in 2007 was
700. Find the diff b/w the total number of students in these two years.
700. Find the diff b/w the total number of students in these two years.
2) The average percentage of arts students is approximately how many times the average
percentage of commerce students?
percentage of commerce students?
3) From 2005 to 2006, there was increment of 20% in total no. of students. If no. of science
student in 2006 was 600 then find the total no. of students in arts stream in 2005.
student in 2006 was 600 then find the total no. of students in arts stream in 2005.
4) If number of students in arts stream in 2003 was 800. Then find the average number of
students in science & Commerce stream in 2003.
students in science & Commerce stream in 2003.
5) In 2004, there was 300 students in science stream then find the
ratio of no. of students in commerce and arts in that year.
ratio of no. of students in commerce and arts in that year.
6) A, B and C jointly start a business venture with a agreement that A would invest Rs. 13,000 for 6 months, B, Rs. 16,800 for 5 months and C, Rs. 20,000 for 3 months. A wants to be the working member for which he was to receive 5% of the profits. The profit earned was Rs. 14800 Calculate the share of B in the profit?
7) partners P, Q, R start a business. Twice P’s capital is equal to thrice Q’s capital and Q’s capital is four times R’s capital. Out of a total profit of Rs. 16,500 at the end of the year, Q’ share is?
8) shikha started a business investing Rs. 50,000 in 1999, In 2000, she invested an additional amount of Rs. 20,000 and Raju joined him with an amount of Rs. 70,000. In 2001, Shikha invested another additional amount of Rs. 20,000 and Jolly joined them with an amount of Rs. 70,000. What will be Raju’s share in the profit of Rs. 300,000 earned at the end of 3 years from the start of the business in 1999?
9) In a class, the average height of 35 girls was measured 160 cm. Later on, it was discovered that the height of one of the girl was misread as 144 cm, while her actual height was 104 cm. What was the actual average height of girls in the class? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
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