Northern Ireland becomes first in UK to criminalize paid Sex

Northern Ireland becomes the first country in the United Kingdom to criminalize paid sex. Those who violates the new law will have to pay £1,000 fine. The maximum penalty could also result in a year-long jail term. Till now, it was an offence only when someone paid for the sexual services of a prostitute subjected to force or threats. The ground breaking law was passed in the Northern Ireland assembly by 81 votes to 10.

From June 1, under section 15 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2015, it has become an offence to obtain sexual services in exchange for payment in any possible ways.

Every year, in Northern Ireland alone, 17,500 men pay for sex. MPs in UK have been wanting Britain to follow the EU and introduce tough penalties targeting customers and pimps who fuel the multibillion-pound sex trade. Sweden was the first country to criminalize the purchase of sex, in 1999. Norway and Iceland adopted the model in 2009, and in December 2013 France followed it.  As per the new legislation, “payment” is defined as money or the provision of goods or services.

Northern Ireland has a devolved assembly, which has the power to legislate in a wide range of areas that are not explicitly the responsibility of Westminster. Gay marriage and abortion are outlawed in northern Ireland but are legal in the rest of Britain.


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