NDRF ties up with 30 PSUs to jointly tackle emergencies

The NDRF, country’s elite disaster mitigation combat force, has tied up with about 30 PSUs in order to develop mutual understanding and enhance capabilities to jointly tackle man-made or natural emergencies. A coordination meeting in this regard was held recently here between the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and prominent Public Sector Undertakings like ONGC, GAIL, Air India and those in the mining and shipping and heavy industries sector. Over 40 senior officials from these PSUs took part in the maiden meeting held here on October 23.

The NDRF has proposed to these large establishments that it could extend its skill modules like on tackling nuclear, biological and chemical disasters to train their personnel. The DG said despite possessing excellent resources and skills, these organizations have been grossly under-utilised when it comes to making effective response to disasters of all kinds.

The two sides exchanged vital contact numbers after the meeting and agreed to initiate joint mock drills and disaster combat exercises in the future. The force has eleven battalions positioned in various states of the country to undertake relief and rescue operations in the event of any disaster, accident or emergency.

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