Mother Teresa to be made a saint canonization in September 2016

Mother Teresa, the Nobel Laureate of Kolkata, to be made a saint of a Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis has recognized her second miracle and the mother will be given Sainthood. Canonization will be held in the first week of September 2016 as a part of the pope’s Jubilee year of mercy. West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee congratulated Missionaries of Charity (MC) on the Vatican decision to elevate Mother Teresa to sainthood.

About Mother Terasa

  • Mother Teresa born in Macedonia, was the founder of  ‘The Missionaries of Charity’ dedicated her life to serve the poor, the orphaned and the sick on the streets of Kolkatta around 45 years.
  • Mother always believed that hard work was the best way to serve God.
  • In 1979 she received Nobel Peace Prize for her humanitarian work.
  • She also received Bharat Ratna, Order of  the Smile, Padmashree award, Ramon Magsaysay award etc.  She died in 1997 at the age of 85 in Kolkatta.

What is Canonization Procedure?

  • The canonization procedure requires minimum of two miracles. In 2003, Mother was beatified which is the first step towards sainthood.
  • Vatican recognized her first miracle by healing a Bengali tribal women who was suffering from abdominal tumor.
  • The second miracle of mother involved the healing of a Brazilian man with multiple brain tumors in 2008. And now Mother is to be officially canonized, final step of sainthood in 2016.

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