More than 10,000 NGOs licences cancelled by Central Government

According to the Home Ministry, more than 10,000 NGOs licences cancelled by Central Government till March 2015 for violating foreign funding norms. After inspections and scrutiny of accounts, 15 cases were referred to CBI and 10 to states for further investigation and prosecution. Accounts of 23 associations have been frozen.

In 2014, penalty amounting to Rs 5,20,82,031 was imposed on 341 associations for late/ non-submission of mandatory annual returns and of Rs 51,99,526 on 24 associations for receipt and utilisation of foreign contribution without obtaining registration or prior permission under the FCRA.

The home ministry recently took a series of actions against various NGOs, including Greenpeace India, two NGOs run by social activist Teesta Setalvad, cancelled the registration of more than 10,000 NGOs and put Ford Foundation under “watch list” for allegedly violating provisions of FCRA.

What is FCRA?

FCRA stands for Foreign Contribution Regulation Act.

It is an Act to consolidate the law to regulate the acceptance and utilisation of foreign contribution or foreign hospitality by certain individuals or associations or companies.

The act prohibits acceptance and utilisation of foreign contribution or foreign hospitality for any activities deterimental to the national interest.

Test Your Knowledge

The Largest NGO in the World is _______?

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BRAC (NGO) BRAC, an international development organisation based in Bangladesh, is the largest non-governmental development organisation in the world, in terms of number of employees as of June 2015.

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