Ireland’s ruling coalition ousted by voters

Ireland’s ruling coalition was ousted by voters angry at the country’s uneven recovery, leaving Prime Minister Enda Kenny facing the unpalatable prospect of trying to secure a deal with his biggest rival. His government appeared to be the latest victim of European voters’ growing antipathy to mainstream politics, hit by a backlash against years of austerity and a perception that Ireland’s poor are not benefiting from the fastest economic growth in Europe.

Exit polls suggested the only viable option may be a problematic alliance of old rivals Fianna Fail and Kenny’s Fine Gael – although even their combined support was set to fall below 50 percent of the vote for the first time. If neither side is able to form a government, however, fresh elections would have to be called.

The results echo recent elections in Portugal and Spain, where anger at austerity, perceptions of rising inequality and mistrust of established political elites left parliaments fragmented and parties struggling to form governments.

Did You Know?

  • The Irish people are a Celtic nation and ethnic group who originate from the island of Ireland and its associated islands.
  • The three most famous symbols of Ireland are the green Shamrock, the harp, and the Celtic cross.
  • It is estimated that over 80 million people of Irish descent live outside Ireland, in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Argentina, New Zealand, Mexico, South Africa and states of the Caribbean and continental Europe.
    • Industry: Food products, brewing, textiles, clothing, chemicals, pharmaceuticals
    • Agriculture: Turnips, barley, potatoes, sugar beets; beef
    • Exports: Machinery and equipment, computers, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, live animals

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