India’s first ever Passenger Satisfaction Survey conducted at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport

The finding of the first of its kind survey conducted at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai were released by the Research Team of L.N.Welingkar Institute of Management (WE School) in May 2016 at Mumbai Customs House. The Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) engaged a WE School to conduct a survey of Passenger Satisfaction levels of customs clearance process at the Mumbai International Airport.

The scope of the Survey was to assess Passenger Satisfaction levels with the Customs Clearance Process, focusing on three aspects. Those three aspects were Information, Behaviour and Process.

A research team comprising of faculty members and research associates of WE School conducted the survey over a week on 24×7 basis in May 2016.

The passengers were asked to rate their experience of Mumbai Customs vis-a- vis other international Airports across the world.

  • 69% rated their experience with Mumbai airport customs as better as or somewhat better than other international airports.
  • 15% rated on par.
  • About 16% felt that it was worse .

The study has identified specific actions to address the information awareness gaps, prominent among them being Web promotion and optimisation, mobile App based information dissemination and increased use of social media.