‘India ranks 4th among world’s most vacation-deprived nations’

India is the fourth most vacation-deprived nation globally, with 65 per cent.

UAE topped the list of most vacation-deprived countries in 2015 (76 per cent), followed by Malaysia (73 per cent) and Singapore (71 per cent).

According to a survey:-

  • About 65 per cent of Indians feel they feel very or somewhat vacation-deprived, and 20 per cent said they are very vacation-deprive.
  • Full service online travel site Expedias 2015 Vacation Deprivation survey has revealed.
  • If they had more vacation days, most Indians (67 per cent) would travel to new places (rather than favourite or usual ones), it revealed.
  • The annual 2015 Vacation Deprivation survey is about vacation habits across multiple countries and continents.
  • It was conducted on behalf of Expedia by Northstar, a globally-integrated strategic insights consulting firm.
  • This survey was conducted online from October 6?22, 2015 across 26 countries of North America, Europe, South America and Asia Pacific among 9,273 employed adults aged 18 years and older.
  • Globally, Indians are the most likely (61 per cent) to associate vacationing a great deal with their overall happiness, followed by Thailand (56 per cent) and UAE (55 per cent), the survey revealed.
  • Vacations play a critical role in creating a work-life balance as it reenergises people to be more focused at work (53 per cent Indians agree).
  • 54 per cent of Indians would prefer more vacation days over a pay rise, the highest globally. About 61 per cent associate vacations a great deal with their overall happiness.

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