‘India in Shanghai’ Cultural Week inaugurated at Shanghai

A cultural week is being held in Shanghai, China. India has been designated as the guest country, with an ‘Indian Culture Week’ being incorporated as a part of the SIAF annual festival which runs from 16th October – 16th November, 2015.

It has happened for the first time in 17 year history of China. India Culture Week would be jointly inaugurated by Ambassador H.E Ashok K. Kantha along with Ms. Zhong Yanqun, Vice Chair of The Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress on November 5 2015 at the Shanghai Grand Theater.

The events at the India Culture Week showcase the best of contemporary Indian arts and comprise the  following:

1.     Musical – ‘Bollywood Extravaganza’

2.     Dance Performance ‘Sari’ by Daksha Sheth Dance Company

3.     Tribal Music by ‘Rajasthan Josh’

4.     Exhibition – ‘Forms of Devotion’

These performance shall be held from November 5 to November 11 2015.

Aim of the week:

The India Culture Week at China Shanghai Arts Festival aims to provide Chinese friends a glimpse of the multi-faceted cultural traditions of India as well as enable a better understanding of India among Chinese people.

About SIAF: 

  1. Full Form: state-level International Arts Festival
  2. Hosted by: Ministry of Culture of China
  3. Organized by: Shanghai Municipal People’s Government

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