India-Africa Forum Summit adopts framework for strategic cooperation & Delhi Declaration

On the concluding day of the third India-Africa Forum Summit 2015 here, India and Africa Forum on October 26 adopted a “Delhi Declaration 2015” and “India-Africa Framework for Strategic Cooperation”. The Delhi Declaration called for continued collaboration in the fields of peace and security, besides strengthening of the UN counter-terrorism mechanism and enhancing cooperation and coordination to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

Africa and India agreed to support establishment of Small and Medium Enterprises and Medium and Small Industries to promote employment creation and income generation for people of both sides, while stressing on ensuring access to affordable and quality medicines and treatment, particularly generic medicines. (ANI)

India and African countries agreed to adopt the 2015 India-Africa Framework for Strategic Cooperation and agreed on the establishment of a regular formal monitoring mechanism to review its implementation and the plan of action within the agreed time frame.

What is in the declaration??
  •  India and Africa will promote strengthening of the UN counter-terrorism mechanisms and called upon all states to ensure strict compliance with the UN Security Council sanctions regime on terrorism.
  • It emphasize the need for an early implementation of the UNGA Decision 69/560, so as to make a decisive push for achieving concrete outcomes on the United Nations’ Security Council reform agenda.
  • India and Africa looked forward to finalizing an ambitious and comprehensive climate change agreement based on the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibility.
  • The 10-page declaration covered a range of areas including economic cooperation, agriculture, energy, ocean economy, infrastructure, education, skills development and peace and security.
  • The next IAFS will be held in 2020.
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In which Indian city IAFS held?

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Ans: New Delhi

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