Friends from today D2G is going to conduct MCQs on Computer specially made for Specialist Officer (IT Officer). Questions here are tailored by a Computer Geek so you can trust on these.
I.T.OFFICER | 4 year BE/ Btech in UG or PG in IT/ Computer science/ Computer applications/ Electronics/ ECE/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Electronics & Telecommunication OR
Any degree with DOEACC level ‘B’ certificate |
1. Computer system is a
(A) Hardware
(B) Software
(C) Bioware
(D) Virtual ware
2. Object model is a
(A) Rule
(B) Process guidance
(C) System model
(D) Entity
3. Software engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with
(A) Software development
(B) Software production
(C) Software implementation
(D) All the above
4. A workflow model represents
(A) Sequence of activities
(B) Role of users involved
(C) Set of activities
(D) None of these
5. Sensor component
(A) Causes changes in system environment
(B) Communicate with other components
(C) Collects information from system environment
(D) Coordinate the operation of other components.
6. Which is the correct order ?
(A) System development ? system installation ? system operation
(B) System installation ? system operation? system development
(C) System decomposition? system installation ? system design
(D) None of these.
7. Sensor component is a
(A) Functional component
(B) Non-functional component
(C) Reliability component
(D) None of these
8. Which one is not the non-functional activity ?
(A) Reliability
(B) Performance
(C) Coordination
(D) Maintainability
9. Sub system is
(A) Dependent system
(B) Independent system
(C) Component
(D) None of these
10. System architecture model identifies
(A) Hardware components
(B) Software components
(C) Virtual components and software components
(D) Hardware and software components both
11. Which one is functional component ?
(A) Reliability
(B) Maintainability
(C) Computation
(D) Performance
12. A class room in a school is a
(A) System
(B) Sub-system
(C) Module
(D) None of these
13. Floating point process is a
(A) Communication component
(B) Computation component
(C) Coordination component
(D) Sensor component
14. Digital-analog converter that converter digital input into analog output is a
(A) Communication component
(B) Computation component
(C) Sensor component
(D) Interface component
15. In software system requirements, the functional requirement for the system describes
(A) Services the system is expected to provide
(B) Factors of system development
(C) Reliability, response time or system capacity
(D) None of these