Dear Aspirants,
Welcome to D2G’s IBPS Agriculture Officer Quiz Section.
1. ‘ESCORT’ tractor is manufactured at?
a) Faridabad
b) Ghaziabad
c) Kanpur
d) Chennai
2. Which is included in dairy equipments?
a) Threshers
b) Lactometer
c) Cane Planter
d) Winnowers
3. Which of the following is not a secondary tillage implement?
a) Cultivators
b) Harrow
c) Hoe
d) Meston plough
4. How much horse power (h.p.) is in one kW (Kilowatt)?
a) 1.34
b) 1.90
c) 2.00
d) 3.80
5. The C:N ratio of FYM is?
a) 20:1
b) 10:1
c) 30:1
d) 40:1
6. Urea contains how much percent of nitrogen?
a) 18%
b) 56%
c) 46%
d) 20.1%
7. Nitrogen loss from urea application in paddy field is known as?
a) nitrification
b) denitrification
c) leaching
d) none of these
8. In which goup of chemicals urea belong to?
a) Alcohol
b) Nitrate
c) Amide
d) None of these
9. Single super phosphate is a?
a) insoluble fertilizer
b) citrate insoluble fertilizer
c) citrate soluble fertilizer
d) water soluble fertilizer
10. Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur are defined as?
a) micro-nutrients
b) primary nutrients
c) secondary nutrients
d) primary and secondary nutrients