IBPS Agriculture Officer Quiz – 42

Dear Aspirants,
Welcome to D2G’s IBPS Agriculture Officer Quiz Section.

1. Cattle and buffalo belongs to family?
a) bovidae
b) suidae
c) equidae
d) cammelidae

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Answer a) bovidae

2. Blue revolution is related to?
a) crops
b) oilseeds
c) fisheries
d) energy source

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Answer c) fisheries

3. India’s rank in livestock population?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 3rd
d) 4rth

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Answer a) 1st

4. Toda is a breed of?
a) Sheep
b) Goat
c) Cattle
d) Buffalo

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Answer d) Buffalo/su_spoiler]

5. Maximum fat (%) in milk of?
a) Murrah
b) Mehsana
c) Zafrabadi
d) Bhadawari

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Answer d) Bhadawari

6. Dual purpose breed of cow is?
a) tharparkar
b) sahiwal
c) sindhi
d) gir

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Answer a) tharparkar

7. Yellow colour of cow milk is due to the presence of?
a) carotene
b) anthocyanin
c) vitamin B
d) none

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Answer a) carotene

8. Cow milk's protein is called?
a) zein
b) lactalbumin
c) casein
d) albumin

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Answer c) casein

9. Milk sugar is?
a) lactose
b) maltose
c) glucose
d) sucrose

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Answer a) lactose

10. Which element is deficient in milk?
a) Mg
b) Ca
c) Fe
d) P

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Answer c) Fe