Dear Aspirants,
Welcome to D2G’s IBPS Agriculture Officer Quiz Section.
1. The scientific name of bittergourd is?
a) Luffa cylinderical
b) Trichosanthes anguina
c) Momordica charantia
d) Lgenaria sceraria
2. Foot and mouth disease in cattle is caused by?
a) bacteria
b) fungus
c) virus
d) parasite
3. Trade name of carbofuran is?
a) temik
b) sevin
c) nemaphos
d) furadan
4. How much area is required to raise paddy nursery to transplant in 1 ha?
a) 0.1 ha
b) 0.05 ha
c) 0.15 ha
d) 0.20 ha
5. ‘Malihabad’ is famous for its?
a) guavas
b) oranges
c) grapes
d) mangoes
6. Fruit of groundnut is a?
a) berry
b) nut
c) balusta
d) legume
7. Ginger is not regarded as a root though it is found underground, but a stem because?
a) it has a very pungent smell
b) it is not green in colour
c) it has nodes and internodes
d) it stores the food material
8. Hairy caterpillar is the most leaf damaging insect of?
a) wheat
b) maize
c) pulses
d) paddy
9. The ratio of N:P:K nutrients in DAP fertilizer is?
a) 16:16:16
b) 28:28:0
c) 18:46:0
d) 12:32:16
10. ‘Kharif crops’ are harvested in?
a) april-may
b) june-july
c) september-october
d) december-january