IBPS Agriculture Officer Quiz – 21

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Welcome to D2G’s IBPS Agriculture Officer Quiz Section.

1. The huskless variety of barley is?
a) Manjula
b) KK 141
c) Dolma
d) RS 6

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Answer c) Dolma

2. ‘Awrodhi’ variety of gram is resistant to?
a) Wilt
b) Blight
c) Flooding
d) Drought

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Answer a) Wilt

3. Black cotton soil is rich in?
a) Montmorillonite
b) Kaolinite
c) Illite
d) Chlorite

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Answer a) Montmorillonite

4. Seed work board is required for?
a) viability test of seed
b) germination test of seed
c) purity test of seed
d) blending of seed

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Answer d) blending of seed

5. Pollen viability of wheat is related to supply of?
a) boron
b) zinc
c) molybdenum
d) magnesium

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Answer a) boron

6. Which one of the following is a green house gas?
a) oxygen
b) ammonia
c) methane
d) chlorine

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Answer c) methane

7. Soil structure concerns with?
a) particle size distribution
b) arrangement of soil particles
c) aggregation of soil particles
d) WHC

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Answer b) arrangement of soil particles

8. Blind tillage refers to?
a) Summer ploughing
b) hoeing in standing crop
c) primary tillage
d) hoeing before germination

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Answer d) hoeing before germination

9. Process of loosening for seperating fibres from plant is known as?
a) curing
b) retting
c) wetting
d) netting

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Answer b) retting

10. Relative weeds are?
a) plants of same crops but other variety in the field
b) plants of other crop in the crop field
c) seasonal weeds in the crop field
d) all of these

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a) plants of same crops but other variety in the field