Dear Aspirants,
Welcome to D2G’s IBPS Agriculture Officer Quiz Section.
1. Non traditional areas of rice cultivation are?
a) Punjab and Haryana
b) Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
c) West Bengal and Orissa
d) Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
2. Golden rice is a rich source of?
a) vitamin B
b) vitamin A
c) vitamin C
d) vitamin K
3. ‘Dead heart’ and white head damage to rice is caused by?
a) Gall midge
b) Leaf roller
c) Army worm
d) Stem borer
4. The first wheat variety having short plant height, lodging resistance and higher grain yield was?
a) Dee-geo-woo-gen
b) Norin 10
c) Lerma rojo 64A
d) Sonara-64
5. The normal seed rate of wheat is?
a) 50 kg/ha
b) 75 kg/ha
c) 100 kg/ha
d) 125 kg/ha
6. Triticale is a cross between?
a) Wheat X Rye
b) Oat X Barley
c) Wheat X Barley
d) None of these
7. ‘Akiochi’ disease in rice is due to the toxicity caused by?
a) Zinc
b) Hydrogen sulphide
c) Iron
d) Phosphorus
8. Which growth stage sugarcane is critical for irrigation?
a) Germination
b) Grand growth phase
c) Formative stage
d) Ripening stage
9. Tetrazolium test is used to determine the?
a) seed viability
b) seed germination
c) seed purity
d) seed quality
10. The fruit of rapeseed and mustard is known as?
a) Pod
b) Siliqua
c) Grain
d) Caryopsis