Dear Aspirants,
Welcome to D2G’s IBPS Agriculture Officer Quiz Section.
1. Vegetables are canned in?
a) brine solution
b) sugar solution
c) distilled water
d) all of these
2. CFTRI is situated at?
a) New Delhi
b) Lucknow
c) Mysore
d) None of these
3. The best storage temperature for onion is?
a) 0 dergee celcius
b) 8 degree celcius
c) 10 degree celcius
d) 5 degree celcius
4. Sweetest sugar in fruit is?
a) fructose
b) sucrose
c) galactose
d) glucose
5. Pigment present in papaya is?
a) xanthophyll
b) carotine
c) caraxanthin
d) all of these
6. Which plant growth regulator is used for ripening?
a) GA
b) IBA
c) Ethylene
d) Cytokinin
7. Which of the following is responsible for pungency of radish?
a) isionate
b) isothiocynate
c) anthocyanin
d) none of these
8. Fenny is feremented wine made from?
a) palm
b) cashew apple
c) mango
d) apple
9. Barley water contain atleast how much percent of fruit juice?
a) 25%
b) 30%
c) 75%
d) 45%
10. Full form of PACS?
a) Price Agriculture Commission Society
b) Plan for Agriculture Crop loan Scheme
c) Primary Agricultural Co-operative Society
d) None of these