Haryana Government launched Thari Pension, Thare Pass project. The main aim of the project is to directly transfer pension into the bank accounts of beneficiaries. The project was launched by Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar. venue was Chandigarh.It is being implemented by state government’s Social Justice and Empowerment Department and has been undertaken by Team Kalyankarini of the department.
Haryana Government today transferred social security pensions of July 2015 amounting to about Rs 119 crore directly into the bank accounts of 10,01,795 eligible beneficiaries under the scheme ‘Thari Pension Thare Pass’.
Advantage of the project:
- More transparency in disbursement of social security pensions for Old age, Handicapped and Widows.
- The programme provides facility to pensioner of tracing their account online to know the balance in his or her account.
Thari pension, Thare pass
- Thare Pass campaign have about 10 lakh beneficiaries from the state will get payment of social security pensions of July 2015 month directly into their accounts through banks or post offices.
Some Gk related Question:
- Who is the Chief Minister Of Haryana?
- What is the Capital of Haryana?