Union Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Minister, Radha Mohan Singh launched two mobile apps for farmers. Mobile app “Crop Insurance” will help the farmers to find out complete details about insurance cover available in their area and also to calculate the insurance premium for notified crops, coverage amount and loan amount in case of a loaned farmer. Mobile apps “AgriMarket Mobile” can be used by the farmers to get the market prices of crops in the mandi within 50 km radius of the device and other mandis in the country.
Crop Insurance Mobile app
- This Crop Insurance mobile app can be used to find out complete details about cover available but also to calculate the Insurance Premium for notified crops based on area, coverage amount and loan amount in case of a loanee farmer.
- It can also be used to get details of normal sum insured, extended sum insured, premium details and subsidy information of any notified crop in any notified area.
AgriMarket Mobile App
- This App has been developed with an aim to keep them abreast with crop prices around them.
- AgriMarket Mobile App can be used to get the market price of crops in the markets within 50 km of the device’s location.
- This app automatically captures the location of person using mobile GPS and fetches the market prices of crops in those markets which fall within the range of 50 km.
- There is another option to get price of any market and any crop in case person does not want to use GPS location. The prevailing prices are fetched from the Agmarknet portal.
Both these apps have been developed in house by IT Division of the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare and can be downloaded from Google Store or mKisan portal.
With the advancement of mobile applications and other technological features, now is the right time for different industries to get on board with these revelations. By utilizing the services of a professional mobile app development company, apps that have already been created have the ability to be developed into an app that people of all ages can use with ease. This will prove useful to industries such as farming and agriculture.
There is also a provision that if any State desires to convert these mobile applications in their local language, they can easily do so by simply providing the names of a few keywords in their language. Then, this application will be prepared in that language very easily and uploaded on the play store. Once done, individuals from all around the world have the ability to access an app that can work wonders.