GOI may impose anti-dumping duty on mulberry raw silk imports

The GOI is expected to impose anti-dumping duty of USD 1.85 (about Rs 122) per kg on imports of mulberry raw silk from China, a move aimed at protecting the domestic industry from cheap in-bound shipments. The Directorate General of Anti-dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) has concluded that mulberry raw silk of grade 3A and below have been exported to India from China below its normal value and due to this, the domestic industry has suffered “material injury”.

What is DGAD?

Anti dumping and anti subsidies & countervailing measures in India are administered by the Directorate General of Anti dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) functioning in the Dept. of Commerce in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

Why countries implement Anti Dumping Duties?

Countries initiate anti-dumping probes to determine if the domestic industry has been hurt by a surge in below-cost imports. As a counter-measure, they impose duties under the multilateral WTO regime.

Anti-dumping measures are taken to ensure fair trade and provide a level-playing field to the domestic industry. They are not a measure to restrict imports or cause an unjustified increase in cost of products.

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