GK Quiz on Indian Economy
1. Effective Revenue Deficit was introduced in the union bedget _____________
a) 2014-15
b) 2010-11
c) 2011-12
d) 2313-14
2. ______________________ is Foreign currency which has a tendency of quick migration.
a) Cold Currency
b) Hot Currency
c) National Currency
d) International Currency
3. Service Tax was introduced in India in the year _____________
a) 1991-1991
b) 1995-1996
c) 1997-1998
d) 1994-1995
4. Continuous growth of per capita real income over a period of time in an economy is called _________________
a) Economic Growth
b) Economic Income
c) Economic Inflation
d) Economic Deflation
5. ________________ is on the first position in the production of milk.
a) China
b) Srilanka
c) India
d) Japan
6. First Hydel power plant in India was started in _______________
a) Chennai
b) Darjiling
c) Hyderabad
d) Mumbai
7. The money order system in India was launched in ___________
a) 1947
b) 1950
c) 1900
d) 1880
8. First postal stamp was launched in India in _____________
a) 1852
b) 1980
c) 1830
d) 1910
9. ______________________ is based on the principle of surplus value.
a) Production
b) Capitalism
c) Income
d) Economy
10. Who propounded the “Principle of consumer surplus”?
a) R.Rodan
b) Thomas Robert
c) Alfred Marshall
d) Albert Phillips