General Muhammadu Buhari elected as Nigeria’s President

General Muhammadu Buhari of All Progressives Congress (APC) party has won the Nigerian Presidential Elections. The 43 year old former General defeated the incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan by securing 52.4% of the total votes cast. As per the data, more than 27 million Nigerian voted in the election. Goodluck Jonathan’s People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has been in power since the end of army rule in 1999. The party had been losing people’s trust due to rampant corruption and the rise of Boko Haram, an Islamic Terrorist Movement, based in the northeast Nigeria.


  1. Muhammadu Buhari is the first Nigerian to oust a president through the ballot box. He describes himself as a “Converted Democrat“.
  2. Nigeria’s Capital is Abuja. The Currency of Nigeria is Naira. The name Nigeria was taken from the river called Niger, which is running through the country.
  3. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and it is the VII populous country in the World.
  4. The motto of Nigeria is “Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress“.
  5. In 2014, Nigeria become the largest economy in Africa. Nigeria’s oil reserves have played an important role in its emerging wealth and influence.
  6. Football is considered as the National Sport of Nigeria. The country’s National Team “Super Eagles” has the World Cup on five occasions.

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