Facebook now worth more than Wal-Mart on stock market

Stock Market!! The world’s biggest online social network knocked the world’s largest retailer out of the top 10 list of the highest-valued companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index.

While the switch is mostly symbolic — nothing specific happened this week to warrant it, and the difference between the two giants is not that big — it signals investors’ insatiable appetite for successful tech stocks. Apple, Microsoft and Google top the list of the highest-valued companies in the U.S., and Facebook looks to be on its way to joining them.

A company’s market value is calculated by multiplying the number of shares of stock it has in circulation by the current price of one share.Facebook Inc. was valued at $238 billion at the close of trading, according to FactSet. Its stock gained $3.14, or 3.7 percent, at $87.88.

 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. was valued at $234 billion. Its stock dipped 22 cents to $72.57. Facebook, which is based in Menlo Park, California, has been on a roll this past year, its shares up about 34 percent in the past year compared with just 8.2 percent for the S&P 500 index.

Comparing the two companies’ financial results, though, shows just how much Wall Street is investing in growth and potential — Facebook — versus existing size and might — Wal-Mart. In the first three months of this year, Facebook’s total revenue of $3.54 billion amounted to just a little more than Wal-Mart’s total profit for its fiscal first quarter of $3.34 billion. But while Facebook saw revenue grow 42 percent in the same period, Wal-Mart’s declined slightly.