Earth Day-22nd April 2015
Make a magnificent world!! A world where green trees can sway away with the flow of wind, giving you a tranquil touch on your gentle cheeks, making you smile with the twinkling sound of birds perching. A world, where you can take a walk with bare feet on lush turf, inhaling the pristine air. Create a heaven on earth. A safe World!!
- An astute environmentalist, United States Senator Gaylord Nelson founded earth day on 22nd April 1970 after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California.
- In 1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets to dispatch the message of environmental awareness, and in the process created the first ever Earth Day.
- Nelson was even awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award in recognition of his work.
- The first Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts.
Founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day in 1970, Earth Day Network (EDN) promotes year-round environmental citizenship and action, worldwide. Earth Day Network is a driving force, steering environmental awareness around the world. Through Earth Day Network, activists connect, interact and impact their communities, and create positive change in local, national, and global policies.
EDN’s international network reaches over 22,000 organizations in 192 countries, while the domestic program assists over 30,000 educators, coordinating thousands of community development and environmental protection activities throughout the year.
Earth Day 2015
Let’s take an oath togather- “I don’t want to protect the environment. I want to create the world where environment need no Protection. A green World.”
Join your hands now as it is the best time to lead.
2015 – Earth Day’s 45th anniversary – could be the most exciting year in environmental history. The fight for a clean environment continues in today’s world of global warming, as the ravages of climate change become more manifest every day. We invite you to be a part of Earth Day and plant more and more trees and make a history. Challenge yourself to have a new green and beautiful world. Feel it roar through the grassroots under your feet and clear air touching your cheeks., Channel it into building a clean, healthy, diverse world for generations to come.
People often ask what they can do on Earth day?
The possibilities for getting involved are endless! Volunteer. Do not wait for anyone. Lead and others will join you. Install solar panels on your roof. Organize an event about the importance of green environment, assert the cons and pros of global warming. Change a habit. Help launch a community garden. Plant more and more trees.
Do something nice for the Earth, have fun, meet new people, and make a difference. But you needn’t wait for April 22! Earth Day is Every Day. To build a better future, we all must commit to protect our environment year-round.
Get up!! Move!! Do it right now!!
Be a change!! Make a change!!
Plant and Grow…
Happy Earth Day..