1.Bark up the wrong tree
a) to stay in jail
b) give trouble
c) Accuse the wrong person
d) beat up completely
2.Sail through something
a) tried to cause an accident
b) hesitating between two options
c) Works very well or has the desired effect
d) Being successful in doing something without difficulty
3.Throw down the gauntlet
a) stop working
b) for want of time
c) start working
d) accept defeat
4.Under the aegis of
a) under pressure of
b) with the support of
c) under the shelter of a tree
d) to take advantage of
5.Hang on by fingernails
a) Being the first one to make a start at something
b) Doing some hard work with determination and full attention
c) Continuing to do something in a very difficult situation
d) Doing everything you can to make something successful
6.To play fast and loose
a) to talk aloud
b) complete and safe
c) to work hard
d) to act unreliably
7.Moot point
a) An issue open to argument
b) The final problem in a series of problems
c) Actions or communications need more than one person
d) Do not put all your resources in one possibility
8.Hang by a thread
a) You complain about a loss from the past
b) Cannot judge something primarily on appearance
c) To be in danger of having something unlucky or bad happen
d) Something is done badly to save money
9.Go bananas
a) Without any hesitation
b) A large amount of money
c) Become extremely angry or excited
d) All the advantages
10.Nip in the bud
a) Cannot judge something primarily on appearance
b) Something good that isn’t recognized at first
c) To stop something soon after it has begun
d) To present a counter argument