1.This creates a very potent_______against the forward movement of reforms and a_______e-product may not have the full desired impact.
a) furtherance, united
b) assistance, unify
c) facilitation, unite
d) impediment, standalone
2.At the same time, there is the risk that a clutch of lenders will need greater levels of capital_________ than previously estimated; this will test the fiscal deficit as well as the taxpayer’s willingness to underwrite the__________ of the past.
a) introduction, access
b) submission, dearth
c) interpolation, exaggerate
d) infusion, excesses
3.You never realize that even the most nutritious diet cannot give you the ________ results if your digestive system is not fit enough to digest or absorb its nutrients ________.
a) Aspired, competently
b) Desired, efficiently
c) Wished, comfortably
d) Longed, freely
4.His __________contribution to the tsunami relief fund was ____________ by his staff members.
a) mager, admired
b) spontaneous, nullified
c) negligible, sanctioned
d) generous, appreciated
5.The judgment has _________high expectations____________the people regarding the benefits of the scheme.
a) Initiated, towards
b) Derived, concerning
c) Raised, among
d) Argued, covering
6.Other central banks have_______by allowing their currency to_______in a bid to corner global exports.
a) retrospect, raise
b) retaliated, devalue
c) repay, increase
d) requite, overvalue
7.As repeated attempts to kick-start the growth cycle have______less than the desired results, countries have resorted to “beggar thy neighbour” policies, which have proved______for all economies.
a) show gain, profitable
b) produce, helpful
c) return, beneficial
d) yielded, detrimental
8.It is no secret that both countries would like to move away from the conventional image of exploited Indian_______living in_______Saudi labour camps.
a) labourers, regimented
b) workers, control
c) diligent, order
d) creatvie, troops
9.Mr. Prabhu has rightly realised that a major challenge is to recover lost ground in_______ , where a________decline has had a negative impact not only on the Railways’ finances but on the economy as well.
a) contraction, yielding
b) constriction, surrendering
c) freight haulage, persistent
d) adhesion, relenting
10.India had tacitly backed the________, which resulted in a virtual________and a shortage of essential supplies in Nepal.
a) disturbance, opening
b) relaxation, infarct
c) laziness, infarction
d) agitation, blockade