English Quiz on Synonyms

English Quiz on Synonyms

1. What is the meaning of Imperative?
a) Trivial
b) Dispensable
c) Unavoidable
d) None of these

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Answer c) Unavoidable
Imperative -an essential or urgent thing.

2. What is the meaning of Stunned?
a) Fainted
b) Surprised
c) Injured
d) None of these

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Answer b) Surprised
Stunned- knock unconscious or into a dazed or semiconscious state. (motionless, quiet, stunned, silent)

3. What is the meaning of In Vain?
a) Proud
b) Greedy
c) Worthless
d) None of these

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Answer c) Worthless
In Vain- for nothing, to no purpose

4. What is the meaning of Queried?
a) Confessed
b) Asked
c) Shouted
d) None of these

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Answer b) Asked
Queried -ask a question about something, especially in order to express one’s doubts about it or to check its validity or accuracy.

5. What is the meaning of Aping?
a) Criticizing
b) Observing
c) Imitating
d) None of these

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Answer c) Imitating
Aping- imitate the behavior or manner of (someone or something), especially in an absurd or unthinking way.

6. What is the meaning of Enthralled?
a) Immensely pleased
b) Greatly awaited
c) Minutely adhered
d) None of these

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Answer a) Immensely pleased

7. What is the meaning of Persisted?
a) Fixed
b) Insisted
c) Continued
d) None of these

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Answer c) Continued
Persisted- continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure.

8. What is the meaning of Exhort?
a) Threaten
b) show
c) Encourage
d) None of these

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Answer c) Encourage
Exhort-strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.

9. What is the meaning of Adorned?
a) Dressed
b) Spent
c) Tried
d) None of these

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Answer a) Dressed
Adorned – make more beautiful or attractive.

10. What is the meaning of Showered?
a) Bestowed
b) Pleased
c) Bathed
d) None of these

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Answer a) Bestowed
Showered – of a mass of small things) fall or be thrown in a shower.