1. What is the antonym for Fickle?
a) Inaccurate
b) Unnoticed
c) Appreciate
d) Loyal
2. What is the antonym for Evasive?
a) Frank
b) Mistaken
c) Exuberant
d) Pensive
3. What is the antonym for Opulence?
a) Transparency
b) Penury
c) Generosity
d) Opacity
4. What is the antonym for Plethora?
a) Denial
b) Aversion
c) Scarcity
d) Despair
5. What is the antonym for Entice?
a) Authorise
b) baffle
c) Repel
d) Misplace
6. What is the antonym for Paltry?
a) Lethargy
b) Matchless
c) Obsolete
d) Surfeit
8. What is the antonym for Parsimonious?
a) Conformity
b) Generous
c) Stiff
d) Convincing
8. What is the antonym for Fetter?
a) Liberate
b) Cure
c) Compare
d) Diminish
9. What is the antonym for Protract?
a) Vigorous
b) Erratic
c) Extensive
d) Shorten
10. What is the antonym for Desultory?
a) Methodical
b) Casual
c) Aversion
d) Misjudge