English Quiz
1.What is the synonym of slug-fest ?
a) Accord
b) Harmony
c) Consensus
d) Dispute
2. What is the synonym of Assassination?
a) Execute
b) Commence
c) Inaugurate
d) Start
3.What is the synonym of Infringement?
a) Violation
b) Observance
c) Non crime
d) Non violation
4. What is the antonym of Tussle?
a) Conflict
b) Hassle
c) Fight
d) Grapple
5. What is the antonym of Volatility?
a) Effervescence
b) Certain
c) Inactive
d) Disparity
6. Find the Error
a) I’m not afraid of someone
b) cornering me as
c) there is no basis
d) for the charge
e) No error
7. Find the Error
a) The party digital cell has
b) tracked the digital profile of
c) the 282 lok sabha members
d) of the party
e) No error
8. Find the Error
a) Tablets loaded with literacy
b) apps may help improving
c) the reading skills
d) of the young children
e) No error
9. Find the Error
a) I was shocked
b) to hear
c) that his father
d) died of an accident
e) No error
10. Find the Error
a) I heard him say something
b) disgraceful about his
c) brother who had left
d) the house all of a sudden
e) No error