In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences from the five alternatives.
S1: I can think of no serious prose play that has survived the generation that gave it birth.
A. They are museum pieces.
B. They are revived now and then because a famous part tempts a leading actor or a manager in want of a stop gap thinks he will put on a play on which he has no loyalties to pay
C. A few comedies have haphazardly travelled down a couple of centuries or so.
D. The audience laughs at their wit with politeness and at their farce with embarrassment.
S6: They are not held nor taken out of themselves.
S1: I can think of no serious prose play that has survived the generation that gave it birth.
A. They are museum pieces.
B. They are revived now and then because a famous part tempts a leading actor or a manager in want of a stop gap thinks he will put on a play on which he has no loyalties to pay
C. A few comedies have haphazardly travelled down a couple of centuries or so.
D. The audience laughs at their wit with politeness and at their farce with embarrassment.
S6: They are not held nor taken out of themselves.
In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences from the five alternatives.
S1: The ears are fragile instruments.
A. These impulses travel via the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted as, say, words, music or an approaching vehicle.
B. When sound waves enter the ear, they cause the eardrum to vibrate.
C. These in turn stimulate auditory nerve fibers, each attuned to a different frequency.
D. The vibrations are transmitted to the cochlea, in the inner ear, where fluid carries them to neatly organized rows of hair cells.
S6: Damage to this delicate apparatus results from both volume and length of exposure to sound.
S1: The ears are fragile instruments.
A. These impulses travel via the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted as, say, words, music or an approaching vehicle.
B. When sound waves enter the ear, they cause the eardrum to vibrate.
C. These in turn stimulate auditory nerve fibers, each attuned to a different frequency.
D. The vibrations are transmitted to the cochlea, in the inner ear, where fluid carries them to neatly organized rows of hair cells.
S6: Damage to this delicate apparatus results from both volume and length of exposure to sound.
In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences from the five alternatives.
S1: All human beings are aware of the existence of a power greater than that of the mortals – the name given to such a power by individuals is an outcome of birth, education and choice.
A. Logically, therefore such a power should be remembered in good times also.
B. Their other philanthropic contributions include the construction and maintenance of religious places such as temples or gurudwaras.
C. Industrial organizations also contribute to the veneration of this power by participating in activities such as religious ceremonies and festivities organized by the employees.
D. This power provides an anchor in times of adversity, difficulty and trouble.
S6: The top management/ managers should participate in all such events, irrespective of their personal choice.
S1: All human beings are aware of the existence of a power greater than that of the mortals – the name given to such a power by individuals is an outcome of birth, education and choice.
A. Logically, therefore such a power should be remembered in good times also.
B. Their other philanthropic contributions include the construction and maintenance of religious places such as temples or gurudwaras.
C. Industrial organizations also contribute to the veneration of this power by participating in activities such as religious ceremonies and festivities organized by the employees.
D. This power provides an anchor in times of adversity, difficulty and trouble.
S6: The top management/ managers should participate in all such events, irrespective of their personal choice.
In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences from the five alternatives.
S1: A thorough knowledge of the path or course to be followed is essential for achieving success.
A. Seniors must show the path clearly by laying down the precise expectations of the management in terms of job description, key result areas and personal targets.
B. They should also ‘light the path’ by personal example.
C. Advice tendered or help offered must be objectively evaluated for its effectiveness in achieving the desired goal.
D. A display of arrogance and a false sense of ‘self-worth’ in order to belittle those who come up to help, prove dysfunctional.
S6: The individuality of each employee must be respected.
S1: A thorough knowledge of the path or course to be followed is essential for achieving success.
A. Seniors must show the path clearly by laying down the precise expectations of the management in terms of job description, key result areas and personal targets.
B. They should also ‘light the path’ by personal example.
C. Advice tendered or help offered must be objectively evaluated for its effectiveness in achieving the desired goal.
D. A display of arrogance and a false sense of ‘self-worth’ in order to belittle those who come up to help, prove dysfunctional.
S6: The individuality of each employee must be respected.
In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences from the five alternatives.
S1: In the long run, national recognition of same-sex marriage is inevitable.
A. It is only a matter of time before all state laws reflect that view.
B. Prudence counsels that marriage equality should be allowed to continue gaining support in the states, and that a federal resolution should be left for another day.
C. Same-sex marriage rights, at first imposed by courts, have now been recognized by state legislatures and prevailed in all four states where they were on the ballot in last year’s election.
D. Young people overwhelmingly support it, and public opinion has shifted on this issue faster than on almost any other social issue in history.
S6: What is more, the court’s doctrine dictates just this deferral.
S1: In the long run, national recognition of same-sex marriage is inevitable.
A. It is only a matter of time before all state laws reflect that view.
B. Prudence counsels that marriage equality should be allowed to continue gaining support in the states, and that a federal resolution should be left for another day.
C. Same-sex marriage rights, at first imposed by courts, have now been recognized by state legislatures and prevailed in all four states where they were on the ballot in last year’s election.
D. Young people overwhelmingly support it, and public opinion has shifted on this issue faster than on almost any other social issue in history.
S6: What is more, the court’s doctrine dictates just this deferral.
In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences from the five alternatives.
S1: Water is a renewable natural resource and public good.
A. However, most rivers, ponds, lakes and aquifers are common property.
B. Hence, excluding others from using water is not possible and the results are competition, over extraction and conflict.
C. But the ownership right on land bestows a private character on water.
D. Therefore, water rights are not clearly defined and the right to using the resources is not protected.
S6: However, cooperation has a greater role in achieving social harmony in water allocation and increasing human welfare.
S1: Water is a renewable natural resource and public good.
A. However, most rivers, ponds, lakes and aquifers are common property.
B. Hence, excluding others from using water is not possible and the results are competition, over extraction and conflict.
C. But the ownership right on land bestows a private character on water.
D. Therefore, water rights are not clearly defined and the right to using the resources is not protected.
S6: However, cooperation has a greater role in achieving social harmony in water allocation and increasing human welfare.
In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences from the five alternatives.
S1: Currency movements can have a dramatic impact on equity returns for foreign investors.
A. This is not surprising as many developing economies try to peg their exchange rates to the US dollars or to a basket of currencies.
B. Many developing economies manage to keep exchange rate volatility lower than that in the industrial economies.
C. India has also gone in for the full float on the current account and abolished the managed exchange rate.
D. Dramatic exceptions are Argentina, Brazil and Nigeria.
S6: Another emerging market specific risk is liquidity risk.
S1: Currency movements can have a dramatic impact on equity returns for foreign investors.
A. This is not surprising as many developing economies try to peg their exchange rates to the US dollars or to a basket of currencies.
B. Many developing economies manage to keep exchange rate volatility lower than that in the industrial economies.
C. India has also gone in for the full float on the current account and abolished the managed exchange rate.
D. Dramatic exceptions are Argentina, Brazil and Nigeria.
S6: Another emerging market specific risk is liquidity risk.
In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence (S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences from the five alternatives.
S1: 1. Conflicting demands for resources are always voiced by different functions/ departments in an organization.
A.Every manager examines the task entrusted to him and evaluates the resources required.
B. Availability of resources in full measure makes task achievement easy because it reduces the effort needed to somewhat make-do.
C. A safety cushion is built into demand for resources to offset the adverse impact of any cut imposed by the seniors.
D. This aspect needs to be understood as a reality.
S6: Dynamic, energetic, growth-oriented and wise managements are always confronted with the inadequacy of resources with respect to one of the four Ms ( men, machine, money and materials) and the two Ts (time and technology).
S1: 1. Conflicting demands for resources are always voiced by different functions/ departments in an organization.
A.Every manager examines the task entrusted to him and evaluates the resources required.
B. Availability of resources in full measure makes task achievement easy because it reduces the effort needed to somewhat make-do.
C. A safety cushion is built into demand for resources to offset the adverse impact of any cut imposed by the seniors.
D. This aspect needs to be understood as a reality.
S6: Dynamic, energetic, growth-oriented and wise managements are always confronted with the inadequacy of resources with respect to one of the four Ms ( men, machine, money and materials) and the two Ts (time and technology).