1.Big draw
a) a lovely spectacle
b) a huge attraction
c) a keen contest
d) a game without any result
2.To drive home
a) To find one’s roots
b) To return to place of rest
c) Back to original position
d) To emphasise
3.Die in harness
a) die on a horse back
b) die in the battlefield
c) die while still working
d) die with honour
4.Go off at a tangent
a) change the subject immediately
b) forget things in between
c) go on at great length
d) become boisterous
5.pay lip-service
a) pay oral tribute
b) attach no value
c) remain indifferent
d) show only outward respect
6.Far cry
a) an impracticable idea
b) an abstract idea
c) out of reach
d) a long way off
7.Hard and fast rule regarding this subject.
a) rule that is difficult
b) rule that is fat changing
c) rule that cannot be broken or modified
d) rule that can be broken or modified
8.Bad blood
a) Impure blood
b) Ill feeling
c) Bloody fights
d) Quarrels
9.By and by
a) soon
b) finally
c) gradually
d) unexpectedly
10. fair and square
a) Careful
b) Considerate
c) Polite
d) Upright