English Quiz – Cloze Test

  • In Quiz
  • February 2, 2016

A good percentage of the population of India is tribal. The tribal s live in the hills and forests of the country; and have been little __(1)_ by the __(2) __ currents of the plains. Practically all the states of India have their tribal population. The tribes are numerous, computed to be about 200, some living in __ (3)__ regions in dense forests, and others on the borders of villages. Some tribes are __(4)__ to a few souls, while others like the Santhals run into millions and are steadily __(5)__ in numbers. During the British period some of them were known as criminal tribes for they followed __(6)__ respect of the Indian Penal Code. After independence they have been named Scheduled Tribes. Under modern conditions isolation, however, has become ___(7)__ and the hill tribes are getting __(8)__. The cultural traffic is two-way. Social reformers are taking civilisation to the hills, and the tribes ___(9)__ their old occupations of hunting and __(10)__ farming, are settling in villages, towns and cities as labourers and industrial workers.

a) affected
b) domiciled
c) motivated
d) deprived
e) favoured

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Answer a) affected

a) financial
b) proud
c) cultural
d) unruly
e) swift

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Answer c) cultural

a) comfortable
b) marshy
c) wild
d) unpopulated
e) inhospitable

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Answer e) inhospitable

a) devoted
b) confined
c) susceptible
d) related
e) attached

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Answer b) confined

a) constant
b) deteriorated
c) developing
d) increasing
e) decreasing

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Answer d) increasing

a) abundant
b) genuine
c) superficial
d) exorbiant
e) scant

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Answer e) scant

a) crucial
b) necessary
c) difficult
d) convenient
e) indispensable

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Answer c) difficult

a) civilised
b) demoralised
c) wiped-out
d) entertained
e) reduced

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Answer a) civilised

a) escaping
b) with
c) enhancing
d) leaving
e) continuing

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Answer d) leaving

a) productive
b) primitive
c) profitable
d) cultivable
e) scientific

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Answer b) primitive

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