Eminent vocalist Vasundhara Komkali died

Eminent vocalist Vasundhara Komkali has passed awayat the age of 85. She was the wife of late Pandit Kumar Gandhrav. She was survived by her daughter Kalapini Komkali, who too is a vocalist. Vasundhara Komkali was a pioneer of the Kumar Gandharva School of music, and she also represented the best of Khyal music. Vasundhara Komkali was recognised with several awards, including one conferred by the Sangeet Natak Academy, and the prestigious Padmashri award.

Facts About Indian Classical Music
  • Indian classical music has two traditional branches – Carnatic music and Hindustani music.
  • Carnatic music is predominantly popular in Southern India, where as Hindustani music is found in northern and central India.
  • This classical music genre is believed to have branched off from the Indian Hindustani music genre some time around the 12th century.
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“Gandharva Mahavidyalaya” in Lahore (which was then a part of India). It was set up by “Pandit Vishnu Digambar Paluskar” on 5th May 1901.

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Sharan Rani