Dronacharya Awards, Dhyan Chand Awards and Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar 2015 announced

The Government of India has announced the prestigious Dronacharya Awards, Dhyan Chand Award and Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar Award. Based on the recommendations of the Committee and after due scrutiny, the Government has approved the awards.

Dronacharya Awards

It was instituted in 1985.

The Award is given to honour eminent Coaches who have successfully trained sports persons or teams and enabled them to achieve outstanding results in international competitions.

Dronacharya Awards 2015 



1 Shri Naval Singh Athletics-Para-sports
2 Shri Anoop Singh Wrestling
3 Shri Harbans Singh Athletics- Lifetime
4 Shri Swatantar Raj Singh Boxing- Lifetime
5 Shri Nihar Ameen Swimming-Lifetime
 Dhyan Chand Awards

The Award was instituted in the year 2002.

It is given for Lifetime Achievements in Sports and Games. It is given to honour those sportspersons who have contributed to sports by their performance and continue to contribute to the promotion of sports even after their retirement from active sporting career.  

 Dhyan Chand Awards 2015




1 Mr. Romeo James Hockey
2 Mr. Shiv Prakash Mishra Tennis
3 Mr. T.P.P. Nair Volleyball
 Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar

It was introduced in 2009.

The Award is given to entities, both in public sector and private sector and non-governmental organizations, with a view to recognizing the contribution made to sports development.

It has four categories. They are

  1. Identification and nurturing of budding/young talent,
  2. Encouragement to sports through Corporate Social Responsibility,
  3. Employment of sports persons and sports welfare measures
  4. Sports for Development.
 Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar 2015



Entity recommended for Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Purushkar, 2015

1. Identification and nurturing of budding /young talent Directorate General of Military Training
2. Encouragement to sports through Corporate Social Responsibility Coal India Limited
3. Employment of sportspersons and sports welfare measures Haryana Police
4. Sports for Development Sports Coaching Foundation, Hyderabad


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