Davinder Singh named vice-chairman of ICC commission

A top Indian-origin lawyer in Singapore has been named as vice-chairman of the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce Commission, a private sector world business organisation with a central role in global trade and commerce. Davinder Singh, 58, has been named vice-chairman of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Commission on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-corruption.

Singh, a member of parliament from 1988-2006 and chief executive of the local law firm Drew & Napier, has been appointed to the leadership of one of 13 policy commissions under the ICC, which forges international rules, mechanisms and standards used across the globe. The Commission on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-corruption develops rules of conduct, best practices and advocacy for fighting corruption, among other things.

It brings together more than 300 members from 40 countries, representing multi-national companies, law firms, trade associations, and small and medium-sized enterprises.

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