Editorial Cloze Test Quiz
India’s elementary education system may be getting better at providing access to greater numbers of children, but has never really been able to answer the question, what is the measure of its success? If producing ______(1)_______minds that have had exposure to life skills is the test, the system generally scores poorly, since it primarily emphasises competition, tests and scores. In spite of policy improvements, it has to contend with a significant dropout rate. In 2015, that figure stood at about 5% at the primary level and over 17% at the secondary level, with government schools affected more. So when the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act became law in 2010, it appeared to be a bulwark against the various ills that ______(2)_______continued schooling of all children up to the secondary level. The guarantee of uninterrupted schooling that the Act provides under sections 16 and 30(1) is founded on the no-detention policy until Class 8. This is a protection that ______(3)_______not be trifled with to compensate for the overall failure to improve the school education system, beginning with the ______(4)______of teacher education, bad recruitment policies, and confusion over what the goals of schooling are. The decision of the Union Cabinet to scrap the no-detention policy at the elementary level, and introduce detention of students who fail a designated test in Class 5 or 6, is fraught with the danger of going back to a ______(5)_______of early dropouts. Such a move can only feed the pool of cheap child labour that has been the notorious record of the school education system, and facilitate the newly liberalised norms of allowing child labour under the guise of family enterprises.
Editorial Cloze Test Quiz

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Also Check Out – Daily Editorial Cloze Test Quiz – 26
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