Current Affairs Quiz – October 10 2019

Current Affairs Quiz – October 10 2019

1. Which country has become  the first country to imposed a ban ads for unhealthy sugary drinks?
a) India
b) Singapore
c) Malaysia
d) Canada

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Answer b) Singapore. Singapore imposed a ban ads for the most unhealthy sugary drinks in its latest move to combat rising diabetes rates. It became the first country in the world to ban such ads. The ban was announced by the health ministry of Singapore.

2. The 13th CCHFW was held in _____________.
a) Pune
b) Mumbai
c) Kolkata
d) New Delhi

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Answer d) New Delhi. The 13th Conference of the Central Council of Health and Family Welfare (CCHFW) was held in New Delhi on 10 October 2019.

3. Peter Handke has recieved as noble prize for 2019 under the category of_____________.
a) Literature
b) Economics
c) Physics
d) Chemistry

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Answer a) Literature. The Nobel Prize in Literature for the year 2018 was awarded to Polish author Olga Tokarczuk and for the year 2019 was awarded to Austrian author Peter Handke.

4. SUMAN scheme is assciated with_____________.
a) Pregnant women
b) Adults
c) Students
d) Girl Child

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Answer a) Pregnant women. SUMAN scheme – Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan scheme was launched by the Union Minister Dr Harsha Vardhan at the conference of Central Council of Health and Family Welfare. The scheme provides free medicines for pregnant women.

5. Who has launched WHO India Country Cooperation Strategy 2019–2023?
a) PM Modi
b) Ram Nath Kovind
c) Harsh Vardhan
d) Arjun Munda

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Answer c) Harsh Vardhan.Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare Dr Harsh Vardhan as he launched ‘The WHO India Country Cooperation Strategy 2019–2023: A Time of Transition’, here.

6. DHRUV programme is associated with____________.
a) Youth
b) Women
c) Students
d) All of these

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Answer c) Students. The aim is to identify and encourage talented children to enrich their skills and knowledge,” said the HRD Minister before the launch event. “The programme is called DHRUV (after the Pole Star) and every student to be called ‘DHRUV TARA’.

7. Narendra Modi-Xi Jinping ‘informal summit’ is held in _____________.
a) New Delhi
b) Chennai
c) Mumbai
d) Pune

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Answer b) Chennai. Chinese President Xi Jinping will arrive in Chennai on October 11 for the second “informal summit” with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, New Delhi and Beijing announced on October 9.

8. World Mental Health Day is observed on _____________.
a) April 25
b) May 19
c) June 20
d) October 10

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Answer d) October 10 . World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.

9. The Theme for World Mental Health Day is________________.
a) Isolation
b) Together ; Always
c) Suicide Prevention
d) Survival and Heroism

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Answer c) Suicide Prevention. Theme is Suicide Prevention

10. Which state Tourism Board to organise ‘City Walk Festival’ from Oct 12 ?
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Tamil Nadu
c) Karnataka
d) Kerala

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Answer a) Madhya Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board will organise a ‘City Walk Festival’ for local, national and international tourists of all age groups in 11 cities from October 12 to November 10.